Monday, March 30, 2015

TOGO is a go-go!

Our friend, botanist, 'goat whisperer' and Kouma Konda community Chief, Prosper ‘Papillion’ Nyanu has done an incredible job over the last few months launching TSSH - A Guardian Project Initiative in the hills outside Palime, about 2 hours drive from Lome. 
While community members have a strong connection, cooperative work is new here, so Prosper wisely thought to start small and expand as the concept and understanding of the benefits of our initiative take root.
3 small groups of committed women (along with a handful of men) are raising the goats together rather than on their individual farmsteads, and sharing the organic fertilizer.
Weather in the area becomes severe during the rainy season, with very high winds and occasional hail, made worse in recent years by Climate Change.
3 goat enclosures have been constructed to protect the animals and maximize manure/urine collection.
And the goats have been busy. 
Most are pregnant and compost pits are filling quickly.
The cooperative is welcoming new members and sensitizing them to the initiative.
They will receive goats as the current herd reproduces.
 reviewing methodology with some of the members of one of the groups.
Going over the paper trail of initiative implementation with Prosper. Those are just some of hi paintings in the background, all pigments made with natural plant dyes!
Goat enclosure made from split bamboo Women gather brush greens to nourish their precious producers.

compost pits situated next to goat enclosures. 2 are already full. a cover of soil will ensure proper 'cooking' to produce black gold.

discussing the need for the little shitters to have sanctuary from severe weather.

the next generation of little shitters!

 time off to check out some of the local art. Great use of recycled materials!

a chance to see over 3 million fruit bats (average height, 8 inches) take to the sky at dusk, in a small community just outside Palime.

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