Friday, April 18, 2014

Continuing To Spread The Sh*t...

We've expanded into Eastern Rwanda, as we begin working with 2 cooperatives in communities just outside both the north and south boundaries of Akagera National Park.
Poaching has been a BIG problem here.
Nearby Akayange Village is home to Mr. Kadogo, one of the most notorious poachers known.
Twiteze Imbere Cooperative has 80 members, part of a larger community founded 5 years ago during a government relocation program.
They will all get goats.
The cooperative hopes to set an example to encourage others to join.
Gisunzu Village Cooperative has 120 members and we are the first project to approach them. They will also all get goats.
Poaching is a problem for the park at this end as well.
Baboons are problem for the farmers as they raid the crops.
The government guarantees compensation as part of a commitment to partnership between the park and surrounding communities.
In both areas there is an understanding that if any cooperative member poaches, all members will lose their goats.
A bit Draconian but it gets the message across and keeps everyone working together for common benefit.
Animal distribution will begin in the coming weeks, BOHORO, BOHORO, (slowly, slowly) in order for the price of goats not to sky-rocket!
Paul sensitizes as part of the initial introduction to the initiative with co-operative leadersoutside the south end of Akagera National Park.  
Jeff works the financials...and EVERYONE marvels at his magic pen!


And the next day we introduce our initiative to members of a cooperative just outside the north end of Akagera National Park. Once again, Paul works his magic and Jeff works the financials!

A great turn out bodes well for the initiative.

It's about listening AND contributing as we're all a team!  

Notes taken by the secretary will be reiterated to the rest of the cooperative members.

Taking, and taking in, the minutes!
And a short way away, beautiful Akagera National Park, the focus of our conservation initiative.

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